Jul 04 2018

10 Easy Budget Hacks to Save Money

If you’ve hammered out your budget and see no wiggle room, consider these simple and unexpected methods that are sure to help you achieve your savings goals and pay off debt. Take advantage of technology. There are tons of apps dedicated to personal finance and saving money. Mint (created by the makers of QuickBooks and

Jun 27 2018

The 5 Savings Accounts You Need & Why

Organization is essential to financial security. Money-related stress often stems from our savings habits. Have separate savings accounts and review them periodically. Keep in mind that everyone has different needs and goals, so make a plan that is realistic for you. Below, we’ve listed some different types of savings funds that will surely prepare you

Jun 11 2018

50+ Easy Ways to Make Money in Your Spare Time

Are your financial goals within reach? If you’re like many of us — probably not. It’s hard to save money when you’re used to living paycheck-to-paycheck… But it’s not impossible. Especially if you can master a fun lucrative side gigs with flexible hours, often available online. These jobs can be done in your free time