If your credit score isn’t as high as you would like, don’t stress. Just a few months of good behavior can make a considerable impact on raising your score. The sooner you take action, the better. Read on for a few easy strategies to boost your score. Timely payments Paying bills on time is
What to Do in the Case of an Unauthorized Credit Card Charge
You’re revising your credit card statement and see a transaction you don’t recognize. First, identify the source of the error– the bad charge could be due to an error made by you, the credit card company, or the merchant. Alternatively, the charge could have been made by a third party, indicating fraud or identity theft.
4 Important Rules for Credit Card Security when Online Shopping
Millions of people are victim to credit card theft every year across the United States. Whether you’re booking a hotel or ordering a pair of shoes, follow these simple rules to keep your credit card information safe. Do not shop on public Wi-Fi. If you’re connected to the Wi-Fi network at a coffee shop, hotel,